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Thursday, October 13, 2011

To Be or Not to Be, A Visionary; That, Is The Question. What The.....?


(esp. of a person) Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom: "a visionary leader".
A person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like.
adjective. fanciful - imaginary
noun. dreamer - daydreamer
Enough already!
What I am trying to say is being a "visionary" (ooh la la) can be a royal pain in the...  You know what I'm saying.  You start with a wonderful picture in your head.  A beautiful dream.  Mine is returning the beautiful me to my husband.  Don't misunderstand.  By no means do I mean the twenty five, thirty or even forty year old me.  I said the beautiful me.  By that I mean the vibrant healthy trim, fit, me.  The dancing aerobic me.  I enjoy the dignity of lines in my face.  I am not without vanity, I'm an honest woman, however, I am woman. I will have I neck lift I WILL, I TELL YOU, I WILL!  AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, ME NOR ANY OF MY FOLK WILL EVER BE GOBBLE NECKED AGAIN!  (Okay Scarlet give it a rest.) 

{How do you do a side note?  Anybody?  Need I go on?  I try to explain the inner workings of my exceptional, choke, (Do I even need to type lol?) "visionary" mind, and I end up trying to be Scarlet O'Hara.  Won't some one pleeeaaase help me?}
For example, let's start with my morning.  No. Let's start with last week.  That is when life as I know it began again for me.  Dramatic, I know but true.  A very long story.  I will share I promise, but not today.  Not ready.  Where was I?   Oh yes,  that visionary thing.  This morning?  No, last week.  Monday?  Yes, Monday.
Monday, October 3, 2011, bypass surgery, scared out of my mind, recovery, recovery, boring, boring, boring, blah, blah, honestly not that bad.  It you are contemplating it.  Go for it.  I will address it another time.  Focus Focus Focus.  Over it.  Zoom in this morning.


Your guess is as good as mine?  I was arranging my pretty stilettos in my closet, la la la la la, felt happy and found myself here.  I'm sure I'll arrive at that beautiful picture, my "Vision", sometime.  In the meantime, the process is going to be....  Who knows...  That's a question, who knows?  ...Could you get back to me?

Check out "A Work of Art.  The Next Great Artist" on Bravo.  I just discovered it.  That is what got me thinking all this crazy stuff.  I don't recommend your kids watch without parents viewing ahead of time.  Some people have some disturbing "visions".

Go figure.

Until next time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Actual Concern; Our Kids Health; Albuterol and the EPA

The following is an email I sent (I know lame) to the capitol.  Yes THEEEE capitol!  Anywaaaay, I thought it was important, and I have neveeeeeer done anything like this before. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Honest.

It is about Asthma medication.  Please read and if you agree share the information.  Thanks and Hugs.

Until next time.

Are We Too Green?

  I consider myself to be a fairly liberal conservative.  I have removed myself from either party and have established myself as an independent.

With my address being in Utah, one would assume I am staunchly pro-life.  Not so.  With age comes reserved judgment. 

I believe education is the answer to difficult moral questions as to what is best for each individual woman and her child.  Every human being has a unique situation.  The truth of all options should be taught.  I believe in being open minded and truly nonpartisan.  I vote on issues. 

I hope this demonstrates a reasonable person is the author of this statement concerning an environmental assault that has occurred on the poor and infirm of this, our Great Nation. 

I am referring to the EPA ban of Albuterol.  It is the most inexpensive treatment for asthma available and is very effective.  (I know this, because I have taken it.)  It is tragic that we look to extinguish a lifesaving drug as a way to please a less than majority base; on this particular issue. If these decision makers took a step back and re-thought the issue, they would clearly see the death sentence they are pronouncing on many children, poor, and elderly that benefit from this drug. 

I realize the intentions are good.  The EPA believes the planet will be saved; “Mother Nature" herself.  News flash: We the PEOPLE; we are a big, big, part of "Mother Nature". 

With this decision the EPA has sentenced some of "Mother Nature's" children to death.  I understand the base of environmental politics.  I too, love the environment.  I love beautiful mountains, clean fresh water.

Clean air. British Petroleum, yeauch!  I get it, I really do.  BUT.  I also know that very same earth friendly life loving base does not like the loss of life or believe in the death penalty.  I have witnessed demonstrations against the death penalty whenever it is to be carried out.  Here is the chance for them to show the American people they are not hearing empty words or witnessing empty demonstrations.       

Please EPA; listen to the real message of the base you wish so eagerly to please. Pardon the poor, children, elderly and infirm of this country by taking back the ban of Albuterol Asthma inhaler.  Don't sentence them to potential death for one blade of grass.    

(This EPA decision does not cause me any negative personal consequence.)