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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Suzie and Zuzu and The Full Circle

Well, it certainly has been a while! I have really missed writing to anyone or no one or whoever is interested or disinterested in what I have to say. As I have said before, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is not a religious blog and my intent in writing is in no way meant to sway anyone to what I personally believe. However, it is important to know how I get my perspective on life, death or whatever else may fortunately or unfortunately come my way, and since my thoughts are on birth and death right now, it is hard to keep spiritual beliefs at bay. That having been said, doesn't every one's spiritual beliefs or lack thereof make up every perspective on birth, death and whatever? Being a woman also brings a different perspective, and adding motherhood to that still another.

I tell you once again these are my thoughts only and in this entry they come from my faith, being a woman and motherhood.

Hello to Margaret Zuzu Bingham who just happens to be the most beautiful child ever born (Until the next grandchild that is mine comes along). For anyone who knows a new grandma, or has been one, all we do is brag, bore and brag to anyone who is too polite to walk away. Being a new member of the Grandma club, I truly believe that every person I run into actually cares and wants to hear endless talk about Zuzu and how truly remarkable, intelligent, aware, already walking, talking, reading, singing and playing the piano she is. All of this and she will be just six weeks tomorrow!!!

Zuzu arrived noonish on February 9, 2009 healthy and truly happy. All bias aside, she is probably the most contented baby I have ever encountered. Delivery went quickly and Megan and Riley were kind enough to let me be there when she arrived. Never mind the fact that I have given birth four times, this time was the first time I truly witnessed the miracle. It was a wonderful experience and I am over the moon. Zuzu is cuddly, loving and aware. It feels like she can look right into you. There is something serious and contemplative in her and as any proud Grandmother would, I am awaiting great things from her.

Goodbye to Susan Arlene Terry. Suzie is my sister in law. I say "is" because I know she is still very much with us even though she passed away Saturday, March 14, 2009. I say "know" because of my faith. Many may think I just believe but this is not the case. I know.

I know Suzie a little better than I know Zuzu simply because I have been here with her longer. I don't presume to know Suzie as well as her husband, children, brothers or sisters know her, but what I do know is that if any one person can define fire cracker, it would be Suzie. She is a force to be reckoned with. If anyone can get something accomplished it is Suzie. She fiercely loves her family, has a happy outlook and a great sense of humor. She taught me to laugh at myself and find humor in any situation. My mother in law is much the same way. Again I say "is" not "was".

As I watched little Zuzu arrive, I knew she was leaving a loving home to come and reacquaint herself with people she already knew. She and all of us existed before we came here. We all came from a loving Heavenly Father and left people who love us to embark on this great adventure called mortality. I think that we were all a little apprehensive or nervous, but excited never the less, to take the next step in our eternal progression and experience life here on Earth. I assume that we were a little sad to leave loved ones behind that may or may not have had their turn on Earth yet. Some loved ones may have said goodbye knowing what was coming our way having already experienced it, and others may have said goodbye anxious to join us and start their wonderful new adventure. It is exactly the same when we exit this life. We leave loving arms and return to loving arms.

I don't believe in death. Yes, we leave a shell behind temporarily, but we go on. We progress. There is still much to accomplish, much to do and much to learn. We are in no way finished with life. We have an eternity left to live, love, experience and accomplish. I prefer to think of death as another birth. Suzie left people who love her and is getting reacquainted with loved ones she had been missing from her time here and from before she got here. She will be sending loved ones off to come here just as her family sent her off. Life truly is a circle, (I know, I know, how cliche!) but instead of birth to death I know it is really birth to birth.

In some ways being a mother makes this easier to understand. Life is a lot like pregnancy. When you are first pregnant, the thought of giving birth is daunting. No one wants to do it. We love the outcome, but we just aren't sure we can make it through labor. It is hard and it is scary, but by the time the ninth month rolls around we are ready for the next step. I haven't heard of one mother who wouldn't do anything to get that baby out. I think life is the same way. When we first get here there is so much to experience, do and learn. Hopefully, we have people who love us and people to love. We never want to leave, and thinking about leaving is more than we can bare, but when Heavenly Father is ready for us to come back home he gives us a gift. He gives us peace, and when the time comes we go. We are ready. The loved ones we leave behind may not be ready for us to go, but the people waiting for us to arrive are so happy to see us.
There is so much to experience, do and learn. If those left behind desire comfort, comfort is there to be had. It will be given by those who love us here and those who love us there. We just need ask, and in the Lords time it will come.

Until next time.....