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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nervous Chatter

Where do I begin? It seems to me that to have something really important to say one needs to have done something really important or, at the very least, have had some remarkable something happen to them. That remarkable something is usually some horrible tragedy, sickness, abuse, or any number of remarkable somethings imaginable. I tried to think of a remarkable something, to make my story more interesting, but unfortunately, nothing truly horrible has ever happened to me, nothing out of the ordinary anyway. I think that is why my story, such as it is, may have some relevance. It is meant for the women, including me, who feel unremarkable, who think they don't have much to offer, or believe they have decided too late what they want to be when they grow up. It is for the women who have nurtured, loved and raised their children and wonder, "now what?". It is for the women who have suffered with depression, anxiety and a feeling of utter helplessness and hopelessness, for no good reason.

I don't pretend to have any answers except the ones I have found for myself. My goal with this silly little blogging experiment, is to encourage all to discover their own individual answers, and to never give up. As we stumble searching for those answers we learn so much. Don't be afraid to stumble. Failure must be experienced to enjoy true success.

I hope I didn't get too heavy. Wow, using "heavy" really shows my age, but I think that term is even older than I am. In case you are wondering, I am in my mid forties and yes, mid forties last until I am fifty. I have four beautiful children that include three girls who think they are grown, a wonderful fourteen year old boy, who is extremely spoiled, and a truly doting husband that I have been in, and out, of love with for twentyfive years. I have to say in and out because lets face it, marriage is the hardest thing anyone can do but it is much more than worth the effort.

If there happens to be a reader out there for The Kimmy Files you, and I, will get to know me much better.

Signing off until...



  1. Wow. That's all I have to say. I think there's more to you than anyone could have guessed. (I hope that doesn't sound too weird.) - Becky

  2. OK, I'm looking at my comment again, and it came out all wrong. I just meant that I was impressed by what you wrote. That I'd never seen that side of you before. And that it's totally unfair that you can do so much so well. Now you can add writing to the list.

  3. Hey Mama....I am so happy you have a blog! It will help me keep mine up. Its way awesome too because when I am home sick and its too late to call I can read you! I love you so much and blog is the sex!

  4. Kim, you have always been such a creative, fun, talented and humble person. This blog will be great, I can't wait to see what is to come. I am so glad to connect with you again, I have thought of you a lot and wished we could keep in touch, we are kindred spirits ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry! I mistyped something!

    I really like the name of your blog! VERY CREATIVE!! Can't wait to read more.
